35 research outputs found

    Uniform Sampling through the Lovász Local Lemma

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    We propose a new algorithmic framework, called `"partial rejection sampling'', to draw samples exactly from a product distribution, conditioned on none of a number of bad events occurring. Our framework builds new connections between the variable framework of the Lovász Local Lemma and some classical sampling algorithms such as the "cycle-popping"' algorithm for rooted spanning trees. Among other applications, we discover new algorithms to sample satisfying assignments of k-CNF formulas with bounded variable occurrences

    Counting independent sets in graphs with bounded bipartite pathwidth

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    The Glauber dynamics can efficiently sample independent sets almost uniformly at random in polynomial time for graphs in a certain class. The class is determined by boundedness of a new graph parameter called bipartite pathwidth. This result, which we prove for the more general hardcore distribution with fugacity λ, can be viewed as a strong generalisation of Jerrum and Sinclair’s work on approximately counting matchings. The class of graphs with bounded bipartite path-width includes line graphs and claw-free graphs, which generalise line graphs. We consider two further generalisations of claw-free graphs and prove that these classes have bounded bipartite pathwidth

    Sampling and counting genome rearrangement scenarios

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    Even for moderate size inputs, there are a tremendous number of optimal rearrangement scenarios, regardless what the model is and which specific question is to be answered. Therefore giving one optimal solution might be misleading and cannot be used for statistical inferring. Statistically well funded methods are necessary to sample uniformly from the solution space and then a small number of samples are sufficient for statistical inferring

    Predicting Many Properties of a Quantum System from Very Few Measurements

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    Predicting the properties of complex, large-scale quantum systems is essential for developing quantum technologies. We present an efficient method for constructing an approximate classical description of a quantum state using very few measurements of the state. This description, called a ‘classical shadow’, can be used to predict many different properties; order log(M) measurements suffice to accurately predict M different functions of the state with high success probability. The number of measurements is independent of the system size and saturates information-theoretic lower bounds. Moreover, target properties to predict can be selected after the measurements are completed. We support our theoretical findings with extensive numerical experiments. We apply classical shadows to predict quantum fidelities, entanglement entropies, two-point correlation functions, expectation values of local observables and the energy variance of many-body local Hamiltonians. The numerical results highlight the advantages of classical shadows relative to previously known methods

    A complexity trichotomy for approximately counting list H-colourings

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    We examine the computational complexity of approximately counting the list H-colourings of a graph. We discover a natural graph-theoretic trichotomy based on the structure of the graph H. If H is an irreflexive bipartite graph or a reflexive complete graph then counting list H-colourings is trivially in polynomial time. Otherwise, if H is an irreflexive bipartite permutation graph or a reflexive proper interval graph then approximately counting list H-colourings is equivalent to #BIS, the problem of approximately counting independent sets in a bipartite graph. This is a well-studied problem which is believed to be of intermediate complexity – it is believed that it does not have an FPRAS, but that it is not as difficult as approximating the most difficult counting problems in #P. For every other graph H, approximately counting list H-colourings is complete for #P with respect to approximation-preserving reductions (so there is no FPRAS unless NP = RP). Two pleasing features of the trichotomy are (i) it has a natural formulation in terms of hereditary graph classes, and (ii) the proof is largely self-contained and does not require any universal algebra (unlike similar dichotomies in the weighted case). We are able to extend the hardness results to the bounded-degree setting, showing that all hardness results apply to input graphs with maximum degree at most 6

    Counting Problems

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    Mathematical foundations of the Markov chain Monte Carlo method

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    7.2 was jointly undertaken with Vivek Gore, and is published here for the first time. I also thank an anonymous referee for carefully reading and providing helpful comments on a draft of this chapter. 1. Introduction The classical Monte Carlo method is an approach to estimating quantities that are hard to compute exactly. The quantity z of interest is expressed as the expectation z = ExpZ of a random variable (r.v.) Z for which some efficient sampling procedure is available. By taking the mean of some sufficiently large set of independent samples of Z, one may obtain an approximation to z. For example, suppose S = \Phi (x; y) 2 [0; 1] 2 : p i (x; y) 0; for all i \Psi<F1